[jeffry text 502]>lxt loading rc file ... done. lxt 1> set parse mark lxt 2> lex load dylan dylan.txt.marked lxt:dylan 3> lex stop -I dylan.stoplist lxt:dylan 4> forms load text/dylan.forms text/dylan.forms: No such file or directory lxt:dylan 5> forms load dylan.forms lxt:dylan 6> forms load stop.forms lxt:dylan 7> cat load dylan dylan.categ lxt:dylan!dylan 8> cat bind dylan dylan lxt:dylan&dylan 9> info list Lexical Lists: Lexical list "dylan": Items in list: 700 Items in index: 219 In-text markers: 62 Rangesets/ranges: 0/0 Counter sets: 2 List bound to classification scheme: "dylan". lxt:dylan&dylan 10> info class Classes: Classification scheme "dylan": Items in index tree: 197 (178 lexical items / 19 categories) Nodes in mesh: 233 Scheme bound to lexlist "dylan". lxt:dylan&dylan 11> lex list -il 8 About (lex,in range) 2 15 above (lex,in range) 1 133 Adam (lex,in range) 1 144 after (lex,in range) 1 137 again (lex,in range) 1 92 air (lex,in range) 1 194 allows (lex,in range) 1 220 always (lex,in range) 1 26 among (lex,in range) 4 29 apple (lex,in range) 1 7 appleboughs (lex,in range) 1 122 awake (lex,in range) 1 109 away (lex,in range) 1 129 back (lex,in range) 1 73 barked (lex,in range) 1 39 barley (lex,in range) 1 48 barns (lex,in range) 1 107 bearing (lex,in range) 1 200 Before (lex,in range) 1 32 below (lex,in range) 1 145 birth (lex,in range) 1 113 blessed (lex,in range) 1 191 blue (lex,in range) 1 176 born (lex,in range) 1 68 calves (lex,in range) 1 189 cared (lex,in range) 2 45 carefree (lex,in range) 1 245 chains (lex,in range) 1 233 childless (lex,in range) 1 201 children (lex,in range) 1 91 chimneys (lex,in range) 1 74 clear (lex,in range) 1 21 climb (lex,in range) 1 171 clouds (lex,in range) 1 130 cock (lex,in range) 1 75 cold (lex,in range) 1 128 come (lex,in range) 1 38 daisies (lex,in range) 1 121 dark (lex,in range) 1 142 day (lex,in range) 1 211 days (lex,in range) 1 127 dew (lex,in range) 1 16 dingle (lex,in range) 1 40 Down (lex,in range) 1 242 dying (lex,in range) 1 5 easy (lex,in range) 2 24 eyes (lex,in range) 1 46 famous (lex,in range) 1 53 farm (lex,in range) 4 1 Fern (lex,in range) 1 197 few (lex,in range) 1 87 Fields (lex,in range) 3 96 fire (lex,in range) 1 148 first (lex,in range) 1 120 Flashing (lex,in range) 1 232 fled (lex,in range) 1 226 fly (lex,in range) 1 117 Flying (lex,in range) 1 204 Follow (lex,in range) 1 231 forever (lex,in range) 1 71 foxes (lex,in range) 2 136 gathered (lex,in range) 1 166 gay (lex,in range) 1 22 Golden (lex,in range) 4 206 grace (lex,in range) 1 12 grass (lex,in range) 2 13 green (lex,in range) 7 139 grew (lex,in range) 1 20 hail (lex,in range) 1 218 hand (lex,in range) 1 11 happy (lex,in range) 3 86 hay (lex,in range) 2 225 hear (lex,in range) 1 112 heard (lex,in range) 1 173 heart (lex,in range) 1 180 heedless (lex,in range) 1 240 held (lex,in range) 1 67 herdsman (lex,in range) 1 23 heydays (lex,in range) 1 88 high (lex,in range) 3 2 Hill (lex,in range) 1 72 hills (lex,in range) 1 80 holy (lex,in range) 1 54 home (lex,in range) 1 25 honoured (lex,in range) 2 70 horn (lex,in range) 1 119 horses (lex,in range) 2 10 house (lex,in range) 4 66 huntsman (lex,in range) 1 209 lamb (lex,in range) 1 234 land (lex,in range) 1 36 leaves (lex,in range) 1 19 let (lex,in range) 2 43 light (lex,in range) 2 124 like (lex,in range) 2 9 lilting (lex,in range) 1 216 loft (lex,in range) 1 83 long (lex,in range) 3 34 lordly (lex,in range) 1 85 lovely (lex,in range) 2 170 made (lex,in range) 1 134 maiden (lex,in range) 1 63 means (lex,in range) 2 62 mercy (lex,in range) 2 110 moon (lex,in range) 2 198 mornings (lex,in range) 1 143 must (lex,in range) 1 169 new (lex,in range) 1 14 night (lex,in range) 1 116 nightjars (lex,in range) 1 99 nightly (lex,in range) 1 222 Nor (lex,in range) 1 188 nothing (lex,in range) 2 3 Now (lex,in range) 1 31 once (lex,in range) 2 155 Out (lex,in range) 3 177 over (lex,in range) 2 105 owls (lex,in range) 1 79 pebbles (lex,in range) 1 165 pheasants (lex,in range) 1 150 place (lex,in range) 1 60 play (lex,in range) 1 93 playing (lex,in range) 1 161 praise (lex,in range) 1 28 prince (lex,in range) 1 183 raced (lex,in range) 1 179 ran (lex,in range) 1 77 rang (lex,in range) 1 118 ricks (lex,in range) 1 223 riding (lex,in range) 1 221 rising (lex,in range) 1 41 rivers (lex,in range) 1 103 rode (lex,in range) 1 140 round (lex,in range) 1 84 running (lex,in range) 1 76 sabbath (lex,in range) 1 69 Sang (lex,in range) 2 247 sea (lex,in range) 1 217 shadows (lex,in range) 1 132 Shining (lex,in range) 1 131 shoulder (lex,in range) 1 101 simple (lex,in range) 2 52 singing (lex,in range) 1 135 sky (lex,in range) 2 104 sleep (lex,in range) 2 78 slowly (lex,in range) 1 199 songs (lex,in range) 1 151 spellbound (lex,in range) 1 149 spinning (lex,in range) 1 158 stable (lex,in range) 1 115 stables (lex,in range) 1 17 starry (lex,in range) 1 102 stars (lex,in range) 1 81 streams (lex,in range) 1 55 sun (lex,in range) 4 214 swallow (lex,in range) 1 213 take (lex,in range) 1 243 Though (lex,in range) 1 215 thronged (lex,in range) 1 184 through (lex,in range) 1 18 Time (lex,in range) 6 30 towns (lex,in range) 1 192 trades (lex,in range) 1 37 Trail (lex,in range) 1 35 trees (lex,in range) 1 195 tuneful (lex,in range) 1 90 tunes (lex,in range) 1 196 turning (lex,in range) 1 6 under (lex,in range) 3 141 very (lex,in range) 1 27 wagons (lex,in range) 1 229 wake (lex,in range) 1 153 walking (lex,in range) 1 125 wanderer (lex,in range) 1 154 warm (lex,in range) 1 95 watery (lex,in range) 1 181 ways (lex,in range) 1 106 were (lex,in range) 1 156 whinnying (lex,in range) 1 126 white (lex,in range) 2 42 windfall (lex,in range) 1 182 wishes (lex,in range) 1 51 yard (lex,in range) 1 4 young (lex,in range) 3 lxt:dylan&dylan 12> cat list -cl 31 action (categ) 4 colour (categ) 4 day (categ) 2 death (categ) 5 elevation (categ) 11 emotion (categ) 21 innocence (categ) 3 let/hinder (categ) 14 light (categ) 34 man (categ) 6 music (categ) 33 nature (categ) 7 night (categ) 3 number (categ) 19 position (categ) 6 social (categ) 17 time (categ) 9 vegetation (categ) 4 water (categ) lxt:dylan&dylan 14> cat list -cle action (categ) flying action (categ) playing action (categ) grew action (categ) fly action (categ) turning action (categ) walking action (categ) take action (categ) spinning action (categ) spellbound action (categ) running action (categ) rode action (categ) rising action (categ) riding action (categ) rang action (categ) ran action (categ) raced action (categ) praise action (categ) play action (categ) held action (categ) heard action (categ) hear action (categ) hail action (categ) gathered action (categ) follow action (categ) fled action (categ) come action (categ) climb action (categ) bearing action (categ) awake action (categ) sleep action (categ) sang colour (categ) green colour (categ) golden colour (categ) blue colour (categ) white day (categ) days day (categ) day day (categ) mornings day (categ) wake death (categ) nightjars death (categ) stars death (categ) starry death (categ) shadows death (categ) dark death (categ) nightly death (categ) night death (categ) dying elevation (categ) hills elevation (categ) prince elevation (categ) lordly elevation (categ) maiden elevation (categ) grace elevation (categ) famous elevation (categ) honoured elevation (categ) loft elevation (categ) above elevation (categ) high emotion (categ) carefree emotion (categ) wishes emotion (categ) heedless emotion (categ) heart emotion (categ) gay emotion (categ) mercy emotion (categ) honoured emotion (categ) easy emotion (categ) cared emotion (categ) happy emotion (categ) lovely innocence (categ) birth innocence (categ) simple innocence (categ) carefree innocence (categ) playing innocence (categ) young innocence (categ) lamb innocence (categ) maiden innocence (categ) sabbath innocence (categ) praise innocence (categ) play innocence (categ) mornings innocence (categ) new innocence (categ) holy innocence (categ) heydays innocence (categ) heedless innocence (categ) grace innocence (categ) golden innocence (categ) blue innocence (categ) children innocence (categ) blessed innocence (categ) white let/hinder (categ) allows let/hinder (categ) chains let/hinder (categ) let light (categ) clear light (categ) days light (categ) stars light (categ) starry light (categ) shining light (categ) flashing light (categ) fire light (categ) day light (categ) dark light (categ) white light (categ) moon light (categ) light light (categ) golden light (categ) sun man (categ) adam man (categ) stable man (categ) horses man (categ) home man (categ) hand man (categ) yard man (categ) whinnying man (categ) wagons man (categ) trail man (categ) trades man (categ) towns man (categ) stables man (categ) shoulder man (categ) maiden man (categ) loft man (categ) lamb man (categ) huntsman man (categ) househigh man (categ) horn man (categ) herdsman man (categ) fire man (categ) dying man (categ) eyes man (categ) cock man (categ) chimneys man (categ) calves man (categ) childless man (categ) children man (categ) barley man (categ) barns man (categ) barked man (categ) house man (categ) fields man (categ) farm music (categ) tunes music (categ) tuneful music (categ) songs music (categ) singing music (categ) lilting music (categ) sang nature (categ) nightjars nature (categ) hill nature (categ) warm nature (categ) grew nature (categ) hills nature (categ) dew nature (categ) horses nature (categ) streams nature (categ) pheasants nature (categ) windfall nature (categ) whinnying nature (categ) trail nature (categ) swallow nature (categ) rivers nature (categ) ricks nature (categ) pebbles nature (categ) owls nature (categ) trees nature (categ) leaves nature (categ) barley nature (categ) appleboughs nature (categ) apple nature (categ) hay nature (categ) grass nature (categ) green nature (categ) fern nature (categ) land nature (categ) lamb nature (categ) hunstman nature (categ) herdsman nature (categ) dingle nature (categ) daisies nature (categ) cold nature (categ) cock nature (categ) clouds nature (categ) born nature (categ) calves nature (categ) air nature (categ) sky nature (categ) foxes nature (categ) fields night (categ) nightjars night (categ) stars night (categ) starry night (categ) shadows night (categ) dark night (categ) nightly night (categ) night number (categ) nothing number (categ) few number (categ) thronged position (categ) about position (categ) up position (categ) place position (categ) round position (categ) loft position (categ) down position (categ) before position (categ) back position (categ) away position (categ) above position (categ) after position (categ) high position (categ) under position (categ) over position (categ) out position (categ) below position (categ) first position (categ) among position (categ) through social (categ) prince social (categ) lordly social (categ) maiden social (categ) grace social (categ) famous social (categ) honoured time (categ) always time (categ) days time (categ) innocence time (categ) young time (categ) nightly time (categ) night time (categ) slowly time (categ) now time (categ) new time (categ) mornings time (categ) forever time (categ) day time (categ) once time (categ) long time (categ) golden time (categ) time time (categ) again vegetation (categ) trees vegetation (categ) leaves vegetation (categ) barley vegetation (categ) appleboughs vegetation (categ) apple vegetation (categ) hay vegetation (categ) grass vegetation (categ) green vegetation (categ) fern water (categ) watery water (categ) running water (categ) sea water (categ) rivers lxt:dylan&dylan 13>lex print s0 l0 Fern Hill s1 l1 Now as I was young and easy under the appleboughs l2 About the lilting house and happy as the grass was green. l3 The night above the dingle starry, l4 Time let me hail and climb l5 Golden in the heydays of his eyes. l6 and honoured among wagons I was prince of the apple towns l7 And once below a time I lordly had the trees and leaves l8 Trail with daisies and barley l9 Down the rivers of the windfall light. s2 l10 And as I was green and carefree, famous among barns l11 About the happy yard and singing as the farm was home, l12 In the sun that is young once only, l13 Time let me play and be l14 Golden in the mercy of his means, l15 And green and golden I was huntsman and herdsman, the calves l16 Sang to my horn, the foxes on the hills barked clear and cold, l17 And the sabbath rang slowly l18 In the pebbles of the holy streams. s3 l19 All the sun long it was running, it was lovely, the hay- l20 Fields high as the house, the tunes from the chimneys, it was air l21 And playing, lovely and watery l22 And fire green as grass. l23 And nightly under the simple stars l24 As I rode to sleep the owls were bearing the farm away, l25 All the moon long I heard, blessed among stables, the nightjars l26 Flying with the ricks, and the horses l27 Flashing into the dark. s4 l28 And then to awake, and the farm, like a wanderer white l29 With the dew, come back, the cock on his shoulder: it was all l30 Shining, it was Adam and maiden, l31 The sky gathered again l32 And the sun grew round that very day. l33 So it must have been after the birth of the simple light l34 In the first, spinning place, the spellbound horses walking warm l35 Out of the whinnying green stable l36 Out to the fields of praise. s5 l37 And honoured among foxes and pheasants by the gay house l38 Under the new made clouds and happy as the heart was long, l39 In the sun born over and over, l40 I ran my heedless ways, l41 My wishes raced through the house-high hay l42 And nothing I cared, at my sky blue trades, that time allows l43 In all his tuneful turning so few and such mornings songs l44 Before the children green and golden l45 Follow him out of grace. s6 l46 Nothing I cared, in the lamb white days, that time would take me l47 Up to the swallow thronged loft by the shadows of my hand, l48 In the moon that is always rising, l49 Nor that riding to sleep l50 I should hear him fly with the high fields l51 And wake to the farm forever fled from the childless land. l52 O as I was young and easy in the mercy of his means, l53 Time held me green and dying l54 Though I sang in my chains like the sea. lxt:dylan&dylan 14>lex print